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Productivity // Ground Up 091

Also, if one has a positive outlook in life, he or she will be able to turn failures into successes by seizing each opportunity that knock on the door. This might be simple but many people are still having difficulties in achieving this because of so many factors such as personality, upbringing, and ways of managing stress as well as failure. Even in business where it has its nearest relations, productivity is defined variously according to the aspect that is studied. (Reportedly, there are around 20 definitions of productivity related to business.) Productivity concepts Most of these concepts relate to productivity as a relationship between output and input to the studied systems. The old assembly plant A first-hand comparison between labor productivity and multifactor productivity is illustrated by the economist Jack Triplett during a panel discussion sponsored by the National Association of Business Economists. In his anecdote, Mr. Triplett recounted visiting an old but still workable assembly plant three stories high. Labor productivity To date, however, there had been new studies conducted and published. These studies examined the link between labor productivity and a variety of workplace practices, capital and computers, both in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. In the conducted studies, the other issues factored in included the size and age of the business, material inputs, capital stock, workers experience, and capacity utilization. Since productivity is a not an easy task to start with, it would be best if they start now by having a dream that they could hold on to. The scale or the size of that dream doesn t matter, it can be a big thing or a small thing, what's important is the person is willing to do everything to achieve that dream. Evaluation and measurement Measurement is the methodology of establishing the amount of wok involved in a work function. Evaluation is using measurements that are not strictly quantitative. It makes use of such measures as good, bad, poor, superior, fast and others. The use of qualitative measures makes the manipulation of the data difficult, although it allows the inclusion of previously unmeasured work aspects. 

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