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I WAS WRONG - The Real Secret of Productivity

It makes use of such measures as good, bad, poor, superior, fast and others. The use of qualitative measures makes the manipulation of the data difficult, although it allows the inclusion of previously unmeasured work aspects. It is hoped that the application of fuzzy mathematics to such terms may make them useful someday. (Reportedly, there are around 20 definitions of productivity related to business.) Productivity concepts Most of these concepts relate to productivity as a relationship between output and input to the studied systems. It contains variables and other inter-relationships within the precise group it belongs to (office, manufacturing plant, machinery systems, etc). It presents eight levels of work units, from the lowest-motion up to highest-results-achieved because of outputs. Sassone (1991) The technique used by Sassone is simple to implement. Work is classified by the lowest level of employee. Work is then recorded by the type. Finally, data is compiled in a matrix format and analyzed. Calculations One gets the average economic productivity by dividing output value and (time or physical) units of input. In addition, if the production process uses only one factor (labor, for example), the procedure gives the productivity name of that factor. (In this case, labor productivity). If there is more than one input used for each factor, it is possible to compute by the same procedure its productivity. To do so, specify or have a clear picture or idea what it is you really want to get done. If the goal is still too broad or general, simplify it further and further until you get to the specifics. Make sure the goal is measurable. To make it so, make it easily comparable to several set of activities or to other simpler and achieved goals. This comprehensive approach in enhancing worker performance may capitalize on quality measures like value, TQM (total quality management), quality circles, innovations and performance standards (profitability, efficiency, customer satisfaction, on-time delivery) and carries a wide range of personal and team rewards and incentives. 

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