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Take time to reflect and re-assess yourself. People think that they know themselves already that is why they refuse to do self-assessment on a regular basis. However, experts say that these people don t realize that the more that they deny themselves of self-reassessment the more they get stuck to their own routine. This is because if you already accepted that there are things that are beyond your control, you will be able to forgive yourself and start anew. If you just keep thinking of the past, this will serve as a reminder of your failure. And if you keep thinking about your defeat, you will undergo a never ending cycle of blaming yourself for the things that you did not really opted to do. Make it a regular or a tradition that you and your family meet out and have fun together during the day. There should be time for work and for family fun. Enjoyment and winding up could somehow help bolster your overall productivity. Clean the house regularly. De-clutter the home of all the unnecessary and non-useful equipment and materials that only tend to pile up and consume precious space. TFP also reflects additional factors like economies of scale, resources allocations, measurement errors, and also as growth in disembodied technology. TFP is calculated as a residual and a catch-all term that captures the impact of all growth factors not explicitly measured by economists. Unmeasured inputs and the inaccurately measured capital and labor inputs affect the measured TFP residual. ) All of these ratios and given definitions does not include efficiency, an important concept in productivity evaluation. Efficiency Efficiency as a concept assumes an ability to identify a change in the productivity ratio. Managers want to compare with their competitors and assess the possible scope on productivity improvement. He found that efficiency accounted for only a little more that a quarter of growth in output, while growth in capital and labor inputs accounted for the remainder. This was precisely the opposite of the conclusion that Kuznets (1971) and Solow (1970) reached 30 years later. Total factor productivity The total factor productivity (or efficiency) was introduced independently by Stigler and became the starting point for a major research program at the National Bureau of Economic Research. 

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