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My Favourite Productivity Book

These studies examined the link between labor productivity and a variety of workplace practices, capital and computers, both in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. In the conducted studies, the other issues factored in included the size and age of the business, material inputs, capital stock, workers experience, and capacity utilization. Resistance Historically, productivity measurement systems are almost always not welcome to managers and workers alike. The strongest objection to measurement of knowledge worker productivity is inaccuracy of the results. This productivity measurement is very valuable as a dynamic gauge, not a static measure. Make it a regular or a tradition that you and your family meet out and have fun together during the day. There should be time for work and for family fun. Enjoyment and winding up could somehow help bolster your overall productivity. Clean the house regularly. De-clutter the home of all the unnecessary and non-useful equipment and materials that only tend to pile up and consume precious space. There could be too many documents or piles of papers sitting on your table top. Getting your table clean is one gauge you are productive. Try to finish all the papers-to-do. Set aside or put out all unnecessary things like photo frames, figurines, books, or small ornaments. Such things could only accumulate clutter, which in turn could hamper your free and fast movement in your own work place. Data-gathering Collecting data is an essential requirement in measurement. The three basic ways of collecting data on a phenomenon or system are inquiry, observation and documentation. Afterwards, the basics are done the outputs are evaluated against the inputs. Some writers put in some qualitative indicators which create problems, although the rest confine the discussion of productivity to simple O/I (output and input) factors. As the workforce evolves, workers with different skills are employed at different rates. This change in composition directly affects how much output can be produced from a given amount of worker hours. An example would be as follows: As relative wages change, firms substitute between different types of workers. 

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